It’s the evening of Palm Sunday. Today I preached a sermon on when Jesus, after entering Jerusalem in Mark 11, goes into the temple, looks at everything, and then leaves to meet with his friends. I can only imagine what Jesus was thinking as he entered the temple. The text tells us that it was … Continue reading “Taking It All In”
Author: ericledermann
Invitation to Freedom
A sermon preached on March 15, 2009, the third Sunday in Lent. Based on the Revised Common Lectionary text for the day:Exodus 20.1-71 Corinthians 1.18-25 The Ten Commandments are well known—even non-Christians have heard of them (giving you some idea of their reach beyond the world of our Judeo-Christianity). Something with such reach should give … Continue reading “Invitation to Freedom”
Working Toward "Downtime"
The following is a sermon preached this past Sunday, February 8th. The scripture is from the Revised Common Lectionary for that day (the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time). 1 Corinthians 9.16-23Mark 1.29-39 Paul lays out an interesting, and at times troubling, explanation of what this “faith” thing is all about. He writes that his charge … Continue reading “Working Toward "Downtime"”
Finally Closed on our House
Well, we finally closed on our house yesterday. We got our keys this morning! The house is ours! Finally! Now, all we have left to do is paint, get the carpets cleaned, replace all the locks, clean the whole place, fix a couple of sprinkler heads, replace the kitchen faucet, and, oh yeah, MOVE IN!
"The Time is Fulfilled"
This is the text of a sermon I preached January 25, 2009, the Sunday following the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States. After I preached there was a very positive and moving response, including several requests for copies of it. So, here it is. I hope it is helpful … Continue reading “"The Time is Fulfilled"”