I find it easy to get stuck in a certain way of thinking, living, and being. It’s easy to get comfortable, sink deep into our easy chairs, and rest in the belief that everything is just as it should be. And then something happens that knocks us out of our chairs. It knocks us right … Continue reading “What Are We Learning?”
Author: ericledermann
F&C Brewcast: Episode One Just Dropped!
It’s been a long time coming—about 2 years in the making. I’m excited to share with you episode 1 of season 1 of the brand new Faith & Coffee Brewcast! Click here to listen. Episode 2 will drop May 19th with an interview with the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, stated clerk of the General … Continue reading “F&C Brewcast: Episode One Just Dropped!”
Motivated by Love
I read an article by the Rev. Dr. John Wilkinson, in which he talks about the wretchedness of humanity. He wrote about how the Presbyterian Brief Statement of Faith, written in commemoration of the southern and northern Presbyterian denominations reuniting in 1980, after having split during the Civil War. In the debate about words, the … Continue reading “Motivated by Love”
Coming soon…Faith & Coffee Brewcast
Premiere’s May 5th! I am so excited to start a new podcast … the Faith & Coffee Brewcast, taking my exploration of faith and life in the everyday to a new level. Join me for pontifications and interviews to spark, inspire, and challenge your faith. Pour a cup of coffee (or your drink of choice) … Continue reading “Coming soon…Faith & Coffee Brewcast”