It’s like the movies we’ve seen: an outbreak of a deadly disease that risks the life of millions around the globe. Hollywood and scientists have warned us for decades. Historians have tried to jog our thick skulled minds of past plagues that have wiped out large swaths of the human population. Yet, our governments and … Continue reading “Faith in Crisis – Pandemics n’ other stuff”
Author: ericledermann
My Lenten Fast to Reclaim Jesus
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. — Romans 12.21 (NRSV) Jim Wallis is the founder and president of Sojourners, a 45 year old community and organization in Washington, D.C., actively seeking peace in the world through the lens of following in the Way of Jesus. Wallis has written a dozen or so … Continue reading “My Lenten Fast to Reclaim Jesus”
Crosses Still Symbols of Empire
This year will be the 17th year of the Migrant Trail Walk, a 75 mile walk from Sasabe, Sonora, to Tucson, Arizona, in solidarity with, and to raise awareness of, people dying in the desert trying to come to the U.S. and fleeing economic and political oppression in their home countries. The walk begins on … Continue reading “Crosses Still Symbols of Empire”
Compassion Fatigue
A few weeks ago I attended the Association of Presbyterian Christian Educators annual event in Little Rock, Arkansas. In the heart of an historical city that was at the center of the civil rights movement, hundreds of Christian Educators gathered to listen, learn, share, and grapple with not only how to be a better Christian … Continue reading “Compassion Fatigue”
The Madness of the Kin-dom: What Would Jesus Deconstruct?
It’s been five years since a “Faith Fight” broke out in Fountain Hills, Arizona, that sparked a bit of national news coverage. A number of my colleagues and I signed a statement in response to a six-week sermon series being given by several of the conservative evangelical pastors in Fountain Hills entitled, “Progressive Christianity: Fact … Continue reading “The Madness of the Kin-dom: What Would Jesus Deconstruct?”