This past Sunday I spoke about perserving our history while remaining true to the present, and trying to look forward to see what might be around the corner. I used the word “conservative” to describe the work of historians. Then, at this week’s Wednesday morning Lectio Divina Bible study, the issue of labels came up. … Continue reading “BlogPost: Labels”
Category: Christian practice
BlogPost: Hate and Violence in Tempe, Arizona
I seem to be hearing of more reports of hateful and violent behavior by certain ultra conservative Christian groups on and around the ASU campus, let alone Tempe. A local “pastor” (I use that term loosely) called for the execution of all homosexuals, among other dangerous statements he has made. There have been incidents in … Continue reading “BlogPost: Hate and Violence in Tempe, Arizona”
BlogPost: Lenten Journal – Day 19
I found this quote today in my email inbox: A [person] will be imprisoned in a room with a door that’s unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to [that person] to pull rather than push. -Ludwig Wittgenstein I had to look up Ludwig Wittgenstein. He was an early 20th century … Continue reading “BlogPost: Lenten Journal – Day 19”
BlogPost: Lenten Journal – Day 6
So, how is your Lenten practice or discipline going? I’m off to a rocky start already. I have committed myself to journaling more in hopes that it might allow me to gain some perspective on what God might doing around me and in me. I’ve found it has not been easy to make space for … Continue reading “BlogPost: Lenten Journal – Day 6”
BlogPost: Lenten Journal – Day 2
Today’s daily lectionary reading includes Deuteronomy 7.12-16. At first blush it is a frightening expression of God’s vengeance. The term in v. 16, unfortunately translated in the NRSV as “ordinances” and in other versions “laws,” is actually a legal term for “judgments.” The people are called to pay attention or heed God’s judgments, presumably against … Continue reading “BlogPost: Lenten Journal – Day 2”