It’s funny when I get to talk about church stuff, especially being Presbyterian, and at times I get pretty impassioned about it, and people respond, “Wow, you really like being Presbyterian!” Other folks have also heard my rants and raves about church stuff and some of my frustrations with being Presbyterian, yet I somehow still … Continue reading “Some of the Hardest Things”
Category: Christian practice
We Are Called Not to be Perfect… #ga221 #pcusa
The Rev. Theresa Cho, associate pastor at St. John’s Presbyterian Church in San Francisco and one of the most creative pastors I know who “gets it” when it comes to sharing the gospel with people of all ages, presented yesterday at the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) for the Committee to Review … Continue reading “We Are Called Not to be Perfect… #ga221 #pcusa”
On Monday of this week a group of 50 or so people from various backgrounds and of various religious and political beliefs gathered to begin the 11th year of a 75 mile trek from Sasabe, Mexico to Tucson, Arizona, through the brutal Sonoran desert, for the 11th annual Migrant Trail Walk. They will arrive in … Continue reading “#MigrantTrail”
Religious Diversity Survey Results
Thank you to all at University Presbyterian Church in Tempe, AZ who participated in the survey sent out in February for one of my Doctor of Ministry classes at McCormick Theological Seminary. The class title was “The Church in the World Today,” and focused primarily on the shape of global Christianity and how it has … Continue reading “Religious Diversity Survey Results”
Faith = Risk-taking
My inner pride over the congregation I serve (99% white) taking on questions around race, racism and Christian faith is beginning to bubble over. Our guest for the first of four weeks in our annual Mission Month was the Rev. Dr. Joseph D. Small, former director of the Office of Theology and Worship for my … Continue reading “Faith = Risk-taking”