As I write I am in Chicago at McCormick Theological Seminary for my fourth class on a long journey toward earning a Doctor of Ministry. The title of the class: “Culturally Attentive Ministry.” As we consider such questions as, “What presumptions and predispositions about other cultures and races have influenced your practice of ministry?”, I … Continue reading “Race – Social Construct of Power, Privilege and Prejudice”
Category: dialogue
Why Do We Hate?
Why do we hate when it saps our energy when it kills our compassion when it requires so much of us Why do we hate when we are afraid when we are unfamiliar when we are angry Why do we hate when there are children dying when there are people suffering when we know it … Continue reading “Why Do We Hate?”
Church in the World Today
In America and the Challenges of Religious Diversity (2005), Robert Wuthnow, an American sociologist, argues that we have possibly been going about these ecumenical (inter-Christian) and inter-faith dialogues all wrong. He writes that we have been so focused on theology (understandings about God) that we have completely missed the opportunities to simply be in relationship, … Continue reading “Church in the World Today”
The values that hold us together?
A new/old journey has begun/continued, not unlike the modernist/orthodox journey of the early 20th century with Reinhold Niebuhr’s realist orthodoxy (shedding the utopian vision of earlier evangelicals but clinging to the pillars of evangelical fundamentals). In my D.Min. studies I am taking a class with the snarky title: “Why Church Matters in an Age of … Continue reading “The values that hold us together?”
Economics, Gun Control, and HB 2455
Somehow the Dow Jones Industrial Average trading at a new high feels like a new low for our nation and world. It seems we have learned nothing from the Great Recession of the past few years as it relates to the concentration of wealth at the top of the economic ladder and the devastation such … Continue reading “Economics, Gun Control, and HB 2455”