I get asked a lot why I do what I do. Why do I got to Church? Why am I part of a faith community? Well, here’s my response. Here’s a little primer and a welcome! Check it out. More news to come. Please subscribe to this blog and to my YouTube channel for more … Continue reading “VLOG: What’s the point?”
Tag: Christianity
VLOG: S2E7 – Christmas and Taxes
You’ve probably heard it said that the only sure things in life are death and taxes. Well, as we head into Christmas-tide, our tax system is getting a serious shake down. Except, the ones holding the bag are the ones who can least afford it. Check out what Christmas might have to say about the … Continue reading “VLOG: S2E7 – Christmas and Taxes”
VLOG: S2E6 – A War on Christmas?
So the supposed “War on Christmas” has been raging for years, according to Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly. Mind you, in Canada Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News is classified as an “entertainment” channel because it cannot qualify as a bonafide news channel due to numerous misrepresentations of the news according to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission … Continue reading “VLOG: S2E6 – A War on Christmas?”
More Prisons is Not the Answer
In Matthew 25.31-46, Jesus tells a story he likens to the kingdom of heaven wherein a king separates people like a shepherd separates sheep from goats. To the goats the king says, among other things, “I was hungry and you did not feed me. …I was in prison and you did not visit me.” They … Continue reading “More Prisons is Not the Answer”
VLOG: S2E2 On Being Presby-whaaaaat?
Episode 2 on being Presby-whaaaaat? What is “presbyterianism,” and why am I so over-the-top about being Presbyterian? Just in time for the 500th anniversary of the 16th century Protestant Reformation next month, which gave birth…eventually…to Presbyterianism. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel, or subscribe to this blog in the space to the right.