Attending the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) is an awe-inspiring and sometimes frustrating experience. I have often encouraged my fellow teaching elders (the presby-speak term for “ministers”) to attend at least one G.A. for the sake of soaking in the reality that we are much broader church than many of us would assume or would like.
Attending G.A. offers a look at the diversity of a denomination that continues to wrestle with being over 90% white European American—evidencing that diversity is more than skin color. Would I like us to be a more ethnically diverse denomination? Would I like us to be challenged and enriched by the practices of people with different backgrounds? Desperately “yes” on both counts. There is so much we could learn from others who do not look or act like the majority of us. But I am also aware that Presbyterianism is a uniquely European way of being and making decisions (our way of being the church was “born” in Scotland, after all), which can make it difficult for people of other ethnic traditions to find their place in it. However, we still hang on to hope that we can change!
Every two years we Presbyterians travel to different cities around the U.S. to gather with commissioners and advisory delegates from across the country and around the world (we have advisory delegates from the mission field, as well as ecumenical partners in other denominations and faith communities who offer their guidance in our discernment). This year, we are in Detroit, Michigan.
Rabbi Wise offered an interesting Hebrew saying that seems to speak wise wisdom into any eclectic gathering of diverse minds and perspectives: machloket leshem shamayim, “a disagreement for the sake of heaven.” This statement inspires me in an environment where passionate opinions and perspectives can often result in bitter division that separates the faithful and pushes God’s gracious Holy Spirit aside. The discernment in which we share as a church, and the debates in which we engage, are ultimately for the sake of heaven, or the kingdom of God which Jesus declared “has indeed come near” (“your kingdom come, your will be done, here on earth as it is in heaven.”).
The 220th General Assembly (2012) in Pittsburgh, PA, was painful for many. The assembly was embroiled in controversy that caused the dutifully elected vice-moderator to resign. Some of the decisions made were the last straw for many of our conservative churches, and we lost hundreds of thousands of members as entire congregations sought membership in one of our many sister Presbyterian churches (Evangelical Presbyterian Church, the Presbyterian Church in America, and the newest to form from the debates over inclusion of LGBTQ—lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered, and queer/questioning—people, the Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians, or ECO Presbyterians).
The committees begin meeting in just a few minutes! Please keep all of our commissioners, advisory delegates, staff, volunteers and us “GA Junky” observers in your prayers this week. May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob keep us and shower us with love and grace as we seek to discern God’s will for this time in the life of humanity.
For more information or to watch the plenary sessions live later this week, click here.